Friday 23 December 2011

ThE InfluencE OF InterneT IN OuR DaiLy LivE

         There are two types of influence. Whether it is good influence or bad influence. In my experience, internet give more bad influence compared to the good influence.
          Firstly, the bad influence is, there will be no obstacle to surf the net. Anybody can surf any webpage wisely. There are so many immoral webpage in the internet, therefore no restriction to anybody to visit this kind of webpage. There will be risk for children nowadays because they have been exposed with these sophisticated technologies in their early age. Without their parents' supervision, they will be interact with such immoral friends.
           Not only that, if we are addicted with internet, we will spend our whole day by seeing our laptop. We will never done our homework. This habbits will lead to damage of our eyesight. The ray emitted by the screen of our laptops are highly enough for our eyes. Therefore it will lead to the poor condition of our eyesight. Hence, reducing the usage of internet can decreasing our risk from damaging our eyesight.

          Besides that, high usage of internet also can lead to the increasing of obesity between people in the young age. This is because they were absorbed in with the interested using of internet. Access using of internet will lead our today's generation to become much lazier. Therefore, we have to smartly divide our time between virtual and real world.

         In a nutshell, internet is really giving us bad influence compared to good influence