Friday 23 December 2011

ThE InfluencE OF InterneT IN OuR DaiLy LivE

         There are two types of influence. Whether it is good influence or bad influence. In my experience, internet give more bad influence compared to the good influence.
          Firstly, the bad influence is, there will be no obstacle to surf the net. Anybody can surf any webpage wisely. There are so many immoral webpage in the internet, therefore no restriction to anybody to visit this kind of webpage. There will be risk for children nowadays because they have been exposed with these sophisticated technologies in their early age. Without their parents' supervision, they will be interact with such immoral friends.
           Not only that, if we are addicted with internet, we will spend our whole day by seeing our laptop. We will never done our homework. This habbits will lead to damage of our eyesight. The ray emitted by the screen of our laptops are highly enough for our eyes. Therefore it will lead to the poor condition of our eyesight. Hence, reducing the usage of internet can decreasing our risk from damaging our eyesight.

          Besides that, high usage of internet also can lead to the increasing of obesity between people in the young age. This is because they were absorbed in with the interested using of internet. Access using of internet will lead our today's generation to become much lazier. Therefore, we have to smartly divide our time between virtual and real world.

         In a nutshell, internet is really giving us bad influence compared to good influence

Thursday 22 December 2011

IDIOM: To Overcome A Problem, We Have To Draw A Longer Line

This idiom is really suits me. Since I am an elder sister in my 4 siblings, I felt there are so many challenges for me to face when I get older and older. Now, I am 19 years old. In this young age (maybe..), I have to continue my study in UiTM Dungun. Since I am the eldest, I really doesn’t have so many experience to face many kind of the challenges.
                The story begin when I firstly step in this UiTM Dungun which is very far away from my hometown, Banting, Selangor. First day in this campus, I have to make a registration by myself without my parents beside me. Once I step out from the car, the facilitator ask me to go inside the hall alone without my parents. Only god knows how nervous my feeling on that time is. Actually before this, if I have a problem, I recently ask my parents to solve it together with me. But during that day, my self genuine has been tested. In that hall, I have to fill the form by following the instruction. After step by step, I finally had successfully registered in this campus. After the registration ended, I felt very relief.
               Next, my journey is becoming so uneasy. I’ve got a problem with my room. I was the last person entering this room. The room is so small for the three of us. I also got the smallest cupboard compared to the others and also got an upper bedstead without a ladder. Seriously I felt very sad (want to cry like a baby). I hardly think and try to overcome these problems. Lastly, I spend my money to buy a wardrobe and place it inside my room. My first problem has been solved. =) For my second problem, I decided to lift the mattress to the floor if I wanted to sleep. So, every night, I have to lift it to the floor and also in the morning, I have to lift it again to it place. It is so sad. =( Nowadays, after a few months live in this room, I am used to it. Plus, I also found a way to climb the bedstead. So, no need for me to lift the mattress anymore. (but I still lift the mattress to the floor because it is comfortable for me to sleep on the floor compared to the upstairs.)
                Not only that, I also have to ride a bicycle to the campus every day because it is really far between my hostel and campus. I feel like I'm going back to the primary school because bicycle is necessary for me to go to the campus. How sad it is.. But nevermind.. I feel glad because I don't have to walk to the campus everyday. :)
My journey is just at the beginning.. Now I have to set my equipment to go to the final exam..

my wardrobe :D

Wednesday 9 November 2011

The Meaning of Different Colour Roses

          Did you know that every single colour of the roses are symbolic of different meaning? What about we discover it more deeply.

          It's a symbol of love and romance. A gift or a present of a red rose is like saying 'I love you'. The red rose also stands for beauty and perfection.

          It's a symbol of friendship and a symbol as 'I'm sorry'.

Pictures of white roses
It's symbolize innocence, purity, loyalty and sincerity. It also uses as a wedding roses.

It's symbolize an expression of romance, beauty, elegance, joy and admiration.

The orange roses symbolize great achievements in someone's life.

The meaning of peach roses is to convey a message of appriciation and thanks.

It's symbolize of eternal true love and  the beginning of true love. It also used as a memorial rose for a departed spouse.

It used as a symbolize of death and sorrow an are often used at funerals.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

How To Bake Tiramisu Cake

          Tiramisu comes from Italy. It also one of the famous desert in all over the world. Firstly, all we have to bake a tiramisu cake is, 2 eggs, 3 spoon of sugar for each egg, 250 grams of mascarpone, cookies, coffee, some cocoa powder and quality chocolate for decoration. After all ingredients have been made, then, we can start to bake. Firstly, we have to open the 2 eggs and divide the red (yalks) from the white. Then, we have to Add 3 spoon of sugar for each yalks and start to roll. Then, we have to roll it until the cream thickens and become more white. Secondly, we have to beat the white eggs from other bowl until it becomes like snow. Thirdly, the mascarpone must be add spoon by spoon in the yalks and roll until it mixed. Fourthly, we have to add some little pieces of good quality chocolate in the cream and some spoon of espresso coffee. Fithly, we have to add white snow spoon by spoon in the new mascarpone cream and beat until it mixed. Sixthly, we can start to make the coffee. Seventhly, the cookies must be soak in the coffee, and place it at top of the cream to make a cream layer. Then, we have to repeat it to another cookies. Next, we have to repeat the step with a second layer and third layer. Then, the cocoa powder is sprinkle on the top  of the cream. Then, we have to decorate it as creative as we can  by using the chocolate. Lastly, we have to put it in the refrigerator for within 2 to 3 hours. After that, we are ready to EAT!! =)

The Great Taj Mahal


          Taj Mahal is mausoleum located in Agra, India. Built by Muslim Mughal Shah Jehan to his lovely wife, Mumtaz Mahal. Taj Mahal is a symbol of finest architecture, a style that combines elements from Persian, Ottoman, Indian and also Islamic architectural styles. The building began around 1632-1653. It used a thousand of artisans and craftmens.

          Taj Mahal is built entirely with white marbles. I t shows the beauty of the designed during the dawn and the sunset. The Taj seems to glow during full moon. On the morning, The Taj is suspended when viewed from accross the Jamuna river.

          The Taj Mahal design traditions was of Persian architecture  and earlier Mughal architecture. Specific design came from successful Timurid and Mughal buildings. The tomb is the central focus of the entire complex of the Taj Mahal. This large, white marbles structure stands on a square plinth and consists of symmetrical building with an arch-shaped doorway topped by large dome and finial. Like most Mughal tombs, the basic elements are Persian in origin.

          The main finial was originally made of gold but was replaces by copy made of gilded bronze in the early 19th century. This feature provides clear example of integration of traditional Persian and Hindu decorative elements. The finial is topped by moon, a typical Islamic motif.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Book review: Outliers The Story of Success (Malcolm Gladwell)

          Something that situated away from or classed differently from a main or released body. People who do something different will achieve different resault. 
          There are many theories to success in our life. But I attracted to `The 10,000 hour rule' theory. It tells us how the success achieve by keep on training in 10,000 hours. For example, Bill Gates. He has been playing with the computer since he in the childhood. Therefore, when he grew up, he know how the computer keep on functioning. The 10,000 rule proved to us when Bill Gates succeed to produce his software. It shows the time he had studying about computer make him succeed in their life.
         In the nutshell, I definitely agree with this 10,000 rule.

Saturday 24 September 2011

If I Have 1 Million Dollar, What Whould I Do?

         There are so many things to achieve in my life. If I have that opportunity to grab the money, firstly, I want to invest the money. There is one way to make sure my money are always in my saving account. So, my money will be more long lasting. Furthermore, that extra money might be useful in the future.

         Secondly, I will buy a huge house for my family in my own land. This is because there will be an increasing of land's price in the future. Not only that, I can provide a comfortable life for my family with buying my dream house.I will build a swimming pool inside the house and also will apply japanese concept in my beautiful garden.

        Thirdly, I will buy a luxurious, pink, sportive mitsubishi lancer car. This not only to fulfill my needs but also my satisfaction. More decoration will be make to my gorgeous car. Abstract design will be added with my name on it. Tinted mirror will be added to four of the door. Finally, the sport rim will be applied to four of the tyres to make it more stylish.

         Fourthly, after all the needs have been met, it's time for me to go for a vacation to Disneyland Park. The place where the imagination is the destination. I can imagine what it feels like. The magical and fantastical life will be immersed in my soul once I step inside the park. Oh! how excited it will be. Enjoy the time with our beloved husband and create beautiful memory there. :D

    Lastly, the balance of the money will be donated to the charities. At least we can share our happiness to those who are less fortunate by giving them shelters and other equipment for them to continue their lifes.